Monday, July 29

progress :: vol 4

Hi :)

Happy Monday friend!

How was your weekend? Do anything exciting?

I mostly worked on my pile of WIPs:

Remember John's beanie?
Well there was some of this going on this weekend:
It was a little bigger than I wanted... I pulled out 10 rows! :(
...but I finished it!!

I also finished another beanie I was working on for my cousin Danica (John's wife). I originally posted the beginnings of this beanie on Instagram:
...and here it is finished:
 I love the color of this beanie! The pattern is amazing also... nice and quick and looks great when it's finished.

Besides crocheting, I also read some more Harry Potter:
I'm on page 101 of 341 in book number 2 (Chamber of Secrets). Still a long way to go, but I can't wait to get through them all!!

Did anyone go to the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco this weekend?

I wanted to go so badly :'( I've been checking their Instagram feed and seeing all the amazing things that the sellers are selling... Gah! I would've loved to be there to see it all in person! I guess I'll have to wait until December to go... I already marked my calendar so now all I have to do is make sure I save up so I can grab some goodies!! I'll go alone if I have to! Lol

See you tomorrow for another Crochet 101 lesson!!
(We're learning the single crochet stitch this week!!)

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  1. Both beanies look very nice. The colors are great and I like the puff stitch pattern in the lady beanie. :)

  2. I love puff stitch hats!!! That color is awesome, I need to pick that one up next time :O

    Aww I forgot about the craft fair! :<<<<<

    1. My cousin (Danica) donated some yarn to me through her husband (John)'s grandma so I said I'd make them both a beanie as a thank you... A lot of the yarn is old skeins so I haven't even tried to see if RedHeart SuperSaver still has Purple Passion, but I will definitely try to get something close to that color the next time I buy yarn because it is just so bright and gorgeous in person.

      I forgot about it until Twinkie Chan was posting about it on her Instagram and then I was like, "darn it... I have to pay rent this week" lol


I'd love to know what you think :)

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