
Friday, February 28

blog update and a mini tutorial

Hi :)

How has your week been?

Well, comparing to last week, this week has been pretty calm; and that's ok...

Because the next 2 weeks are full of appointments and projects and packing things to move. {I can feel the headache coming on already}

I'm so glad I'm back and blogging. I know I wasn't gone very long, but I feel like you guys are my friends and I felt like I was neglecting you and keeping you out of the loop on what was going on... I didn't want you to think, "Great, another blogger that's given up."


I don't consider myself a tech wiz, but I do take some pride in the fact that I know what HTML coding is and where it should go to make my blog look pretty


I'm not sure if you have noticed, but I added a little widget from KnitMeter into my left sidebar right under the "Follow" label and social media buttons.

{psst! over there!}

I thought it would be fun to see how much yarn I've used for my projects as the year goes on.

What's that? You want one too?

Well ok!
All you need to sign up is your email address!

[**Now, I don't have Photoshop, so you'll have to bear with me and my camera phone pictures of my computer screen lol]

Step 1:
Go to
You will see this screen:

Step 2:
Click the 'Register' Button.
 You will be taken to this screen:

Step 3:
Enter in your information and click the 'Register!' button at the bottom of the screen:

Step 4:
Next, you will be emailed a verification link. Check your inbox and click the link, then log in to your account:

You will be taken to your 'My KnitMeter Account' page.
From there you can start adding your projects...

Step 5:
On the far left, you see 'Add an Entry':

Click the drop down menu next to 'Project:' and select 'New Project':
 {*The projects above are my own collection. When you do your first entry, the drop down menu will only have the options 'None' and 'New Project'.}

Enter in the project name, type of project, length of yarn used, and the date. Finally, click the 'Add' button:
{*For the 'date', I've been putting in the date finished, but you can edit projects after you have added them as well, so you can put in the amount of yarn used in the project so far and add to the project information at a later time.}

Step 6:
To create your widget, go to the far right of the page where it says 'Widget' and click on the '(Create)' button:

You will be taken to this screen:

From here you can choose what you want your widget to display and the colors you want it to be as well. There will be a preview of the widget on the right. Once you like how it looks, click the 'Save' button.

If you need help adding the widget to your blog or website, just click the link at the bottom of the page:

And there you have it!

Sorry the picture quality is not the best... I hope you are still able to give it a try! :)


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Thursday, February 27

recipe :: chicken caesar ciabatta sandwich

Hi :)

Before I had my son, I was a super picky eater. I still am, but I am more open to trying things as apposed to not trying because something looks funny or looks like it would taste gross lol

I never liked salads until I got pregnant and ever since then, I want one all the time.
{I'm that person that goes to McDonald's and orders a salad. Yeah.}

I saw this recipe on Pinterest, and not only am I dying to try it, I am dying to share it with you guys!

So here it is: Chicken Caesar Ciabatta Sandwich
Chicken Caesar Ciabatta Sandwiches - You won't believe how easy it is to make caesar dressing from scratch. And it tastes 1000x better too!

I want one of these like yesterday :( lol

If you try the recipe, let me know how it goes!

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Tuesday, February 25

polished :: cute cats

Hi :)

Today's design is so clever and adorable: Simple and Cute Cat Nail Art


Samantha of PackAPunchPolish has done it again!

I love this super cute and simple design :)
...and who doesn't love cats?!

If you try this, I'd love to see!

Have fun!

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Monday, February 24

monday, funday :: chevron infinity scarf

Hi :)

Today's post is a little later than when I normally post... I had some free time and thought I'd come on here and share a fun project with you all

Chevron Infinity Scarf
zigzag col haakpatroon - chevron infinity scarf pattern - Bees and Appletrees (BLOG)
(picture via:

Pattern HERE

These colors are so good together... I love the South Western vibe as well :)

I hope you give it a try!

I am trying to get back into my regular blogging schedule, but if there are some missed days, know that I am still here; just taking care of some personal issues at the moment :)

Thanks for sticking around!


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*{You can find this project and other Monday, Funday projects by clicking the 'Free' tab on the main blog page.}

Wednesday, February 19


Hi :)

I'm writing this post in much better spirits.

Thank you to everyone who left me a comment on my last post, it really touched my heart.

And to those who read my post but didn't leave a comment, thank you for reading my post.

I will try to return to blogging as soon as I can.

Talk with you soon.


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Monday, February 17



I didn't know what to title this post so it's titled how I'm feeling... lost.

Without going into too much detail, last week my life was flipped upside down.

I will be taking a break from blogging.

Maybe when I return I can tell you more.

Please don't forget about me or this blog because I will be back.

I appreciate your following and keeping up with my posts, it means a lot.

Until my next post: take care of yourselves and make sure you let your loved ones know just how much you love them because tomorrow is promised to no one.


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Friday, February 14

happy Valentine's Day!

 photo PicMonkeyCollage_zpsd82465f2.png

I know a lot of people despise this day... I have to admit, I am not a huge fan either.

However, I do enjoy the extra lovin's from my guys and the insane amount of chocolates for sale in the stores :)

I hope that whatever you do today, it is great. [It is a Friday after all ;)]

Glad I have you all as my virtual Valentines ♥

Have a great weekend, friend :)

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Thursday, February 13

recipe :: peanut butter chocolate rice crispy treats

Hi :)

I love peanut butter.
I love chocolate.
I love peanut butter and chocolate TOGETHER.
{Typing the title of this post [along with the pictures from this recipe] got my mouth watering...}

I thought I would share a sweet recipe with you guys since tomorrow is Valentine's Day:
Peanut Butter Chocolate Rice Crispy Treats

Doesn't that just look divine?!
I'm sure if I made this, I would end up being the only one to eat it... All of it.

Hope you give this a try :)
I'd love to hear how it turns out!

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Tuesday, February 11

polished :: double feature!

Hi :)

Since Valentine's Day is this week, I'm going to share 2 ideas for mani's that you guys will love!

Red and Leopard Mani

Ombre Hearts Mani

Both tutorials can be found here.

[I just had to share the leopard one ;)]

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Monday, February 10

monday, funday :: vol 22

Hi :)

Today's project is for those of us (mainly myself) who forget or wait until the last minute to worry about gift giving and need something quick and easy:

Crochet Heart Coffee Cozy

Great, right?! :)

You could always leave it plain or add a different applique to it. Make it your own!

Happy crafting!
See you tomorrow, friend :)

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*{You can find this project and other Monday, Funday projects by clicking the 'Free' tab on the main blog page.}

Friday, February 7

roundup :: Valentine printables

Hi :)

Today I thought I would share a few cute Valentines I found on Pinterest.
Some are for adults and some are for kids. I just picked the ones I liked ;)

Mustache Valentines {Free Valentine Printable} | | A fun and free valentine printable!

Funny Foodie Valentine cards

Free Printable Valentines | by Carrie Sellman of


I hope you're able to use some of these cuties!

Have a great Friday and of course a great weekend!

See you Monday, friend :)

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*{You can find this roundup, as well as other roundups I've posted, by clicking on the 'Roundups' tab on the main blog page.}